
Week 12 consists of a 10 minute presentation documenting what I've achieved from this project so far (from week 1 until now), in order to gather that last bit of feedback before hand in in January. A copy of the presentation I gave is linked below.

Hidden - Lucy Cook IXD501.pdf


Feedback from week 12's presentation was very much similar to week 9 and 11's one-to-one tutorials.

Next Semester

In terms of next semester, I have a list of things I'd like to explore next in order to move my project onto the next stage. The first few weeks of semester 2 will consist of finalising my illustrations and designing all the icons required. By adding these visual elements and also considering the micro-interactions, I hope to develop my prototype to a high fidelity quite quickly so that I have more time to test with users and begin the iterative process. The second column on my roadmap is a list of things I'd still like to add to the Hidden prototype, these are more kind of "added extra" features or delightful experiences that will hopefully push my platform from good to great.

Ideally, if I have time I'd love to mockup a version of what the Hidden website could look like - even if that's just a few of the main screens so you can get an idea for what that would look like if I were to develop it further. As explained before, I think it's important for a travel app like Hidden to be accessible on both mobile (for when you're out and about) but also on bigger screens to allow for easier planning and easier use from all age groups.